Nov 20, 2010

Highest Resolution Photo - 80 Gigapixel Image of London: Image and Details

 The Highest resolultion photo that has ever been taken is an 80 Gigapixel image of London showing each and every detail on the city with accuracy never seen before. The photo is a panoramic image of London's Beauty, which even reveals the life inside buildings.

It is so detailed that users can even zoom in on the clock face at Westminster to read the time almost 2.4 km away. The faces of any identifiable children were blurred.

This new image, if printed at normal photographic resolution, would be 115 feet long and 56 feet high, reports the Daily Mail.

Photographed by Jeffrey Martin over three days from the top of the Centre Point building at the crossroads of Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road, the image reveals the highest-resolution view of any city that has ever been captured.
Martin, a panoramic photographer and the founder of, created the London gigapixel image from 7,886 high-resolution individual photos taken from the Centre Point building.

Tags:- Highest, resolution, quality, megapixel, gigapixel, pixel, photo, image, stills, pictures, wallpapers, london, panoramic, 80 gigapixel

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