Jul 2, 2010

Acer's Aspire Predator Gaming Desktop PCs - With enhanced Cooling

Gaming has always been a rising and mind capturing aspect in the computer market. Gaming PCs have always been awesome and high-end when compared to the normal use PCs. Due to its mind blowing configurations, Gaming PCs has always attracted consumers and harcore gamers for a smooth and excellent close to real life graphics and performance.

Acer being in the Computer Making scenario for long had also stepped into this segment with many of their models like the predator whereas these models werent as hit as those in alienware, HP, Toshiba or other brand gaming PCs. The Predator for example itself had to deal with a serious over heating problem which is thought to be solved in the new updated predator gaming desktop PCs.

As usual the looks of the Pregator gaming PC is as aggressive and action oriented as in the normal designing of gaming PCs. In short Hardcore Designs.

The Predator comes in hand @ a cost of $2000 with the following Configuration
  • 2.8GHz Core i7 930 CPU
  • 12GB of 1,333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 470 graphics card
  • 1.5TB 7,200 rpm hard drive

The motherboard also supports 2 more 3D graphics card making it a real treat for the gaming enthusiasts.

Tags:- Predator, Aspire, gaming, desktop, PCs, Acer, powerfull, dual GPUs, Games, hardcore, awesome, aggressive, configuration, specifications, Ultra Gaming Desktops, Ultimate gaming PCs

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