Oct 21, 2009

Windows 7 - A big HIT !!!

Now for all those Gamers and Microsoft Windows freaks out their theres a  really good news. And for those Anti-Windows freaks its a rather disappointing news.

The much anticipated Windows 7 is officially releasing on October 22, 2009 and already with all the free upgrades and beta versions provided out to the public, Windows 7 has regained the reputation microsoft once lost after the realease of their high-end OS Windows Vista.

The word that Windows 7 is faster is not just a word but it is true and even game developers have started to tell "it would be good if everybody switched to Windows 7 as quickly as possible.". Now that Windows 7 is faster and efficient than Vista but the great looks too makes it more appreciable.

Also Windows 7 is 10% less costlier than Windows Vista. Microsoft themselves have been campaigning on Windows 7 for users with Vista. Moreover Windows 7 is being released in 35 languages. On Oct 22 first 14 language versions will be released and by Oct 31st the remaining 21 languages.

The highlighted feature in windows 7 by a developer is the WARP (Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform) which will allow a system's CPU to perform DirectX acceleration when a video card doesn't support certain rendering features, or if a discrete card isn't included in the PC at all. Which means it will handle graphics which wouldnt be handled before in the computer.

I am starting to love it. I gotto get my own copy of this latest Windows.

The estimated retail prices for upgrade packaged retail product of Windows 7 in the U.S. are:
  • Windows 7 Home Premium (Upgrade): $119.99
  • Windows 7 Professional (Upgrade): $199.99
  • Windows 7 Ultimate (Upgrade): $219.99

And the estimated retail prices for full packaged retail product of Windows 7 in the U.S. are:
  • Windows 7 Home Premium (Full): $199.99
  • Windows 7 Professional (Full): $299.99
  • Windows 7 Ultimate (Full): $319.99

Tags:- Windows, 7, microsoft, vista, OS

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