Dec 22, 2009

Intel's new 32nm architecture chips

Intel has finally finallised ands started its production on the much experimented 32nm architecture chips (codenamed Westmere) based on its previous Nahelem Architecture.

They have 17 new CPUs and 3 chipsets based on the same. All of the chips provide Wi-Fi and WiMax support. The new architecture would be featured in 3 chipsets i3, i5, i7 cores.

i3 is dual core, i5 is available in both dual and quad cores and i7 only in quad core. The Dual Core chips are equipped with CPU and GPU processors on the chips itself thus maximizing the efficiency of the graphics performance without even a separate Graphic card.

The Core i7 (Codenamed Lynnfield) products are featured normally with separate graphic cards so as to give the ultimate graphics experience. It is the infrastructure for HD graphics performance. Intel's own graphics technology called GMA is used in built-in models.

The new architecture utilises the hardware support and performance more than software for better performance on graphics as well as execution speeds.

Tags:- Intel, 32 nanometer, 32nm, architecture, core, i3, i5, i7, processors, chips, westmere, nahelem, Lynnfield

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