Sep 25, 2009

Motion Controller for PS3 in 2010

Sony has announced its Motion Controller for its PlayStation 3 console. The Motion Controller is bundled up with a motion detector called PlayStation Eye camera. The PlayStation Eye is capable of recognizing face, voice and motion of human body and to feed it into the game info.

The Motion Detector will be having the traditional features like dual shock like its previous controllers , also 2.0 bluetooth support and will have a Li-ion rechargeable battery. The Motion controller is equipped with two motion sensors, three axes gyroscope and three axes accelerometer to detect controller's angle and movement. In conjunction with PlayStation Eye camera, the motion controller can accurately track the position of the controller, detect movement of hand and the precise action is depicted in the corresponding game.

Sony might even change the name Motion Controller to some fancy names. The price and naming are yet to be announced. We'll have to wait till spring of 2010 for more details during its launch.

Tags:- Motion, controller, PS3, playstation, play station,  3

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