Aug 17, 2009

Bill Gates Announced Project Natal for PC

No Strings (or Controllers) Attached.

Introducing Project Natal, a revolutionary new way to play: no controller required. See a ball? Kick it, hit it, trap it or catch it. If you know how to move your hands, shake your hips or speak you and your friends can jump into the fun -- the only experience needed is life experience.

Microsoft chairman, Bill Gates, confirmed ( on July ) that the much anticipated Project Natal isn't intended for Xbox 360 and future Microsoft consoles only.

"I'd say a cool example of that, that you'll see... in a little over a year, is this (depth) camera thing." Gates said before adding that it is not meant for games only, "but for media consumption as a whole, and even if they connect it up to Windows PCs for interacting in terms of meetings, and collaboration, and communication."

"Both the Xbox guys and the Windows guys latched onto that [Project Natal] and now even since they latched onto it the idea of how it can be used in the office is getting much more concrete, and is pretty exciting."

"I think the value is as great for if you're in the home, as you want to manage your movies, music, home system type stuff, it's very cool there," Gates concluded. "And I think there's incredible value as we use that in the office connected to a Windows PC. So Microsoft research and the product groups have a lot going on there, because you can use the cost reduction that will take place over the years to say, why shouldn't that be in most office environments."

More Info on Project Natal And Xbox

Tags:- Microsoft, Bill gates, Project Natal, PC, Xbox

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